Friday, January 1, 2010

『Rainie & Love...? 雨愛』

Happy New Year's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's the first day of 2010~

The first piece of good news this year!

Rainie's new album has officially been launched today! At 12:00am sharp! :D

I was super psyched when I saw this:

Rainie looks so cute and pretty in her new album cover!
It's called 『Rainie & Love...? 雨愛』 (Sorry about the mistake I made about the album name in an old post before)

I need to go into a record store ASAP tmr! Hopefully they've stocked it alr! :D

There are 10 new songs inside, including songs with lyrics penned by Rainie herself, songs from 海派甜心 and a duet with Show Luo!!! :DDDD

{Note: English translations are in bold and done by me...with help from babelfish. Haha even though I speak chinese at home all the time due to having chinese-educated parents who cannot speak a word of english, studied chinese language all my life and watch Taiwanese variety shows all day long, chinese is and forever will be my worst subject so the translations may not be really accurate.

Also, it is difficult to translate chinese to english due to the nuances of the chinese language that are difficult to replicate in english. In addition, this is my maiden attempt at translating anything so I hope everyone will be forgiving of mistakes and stuff and inform and correct them! :D Thanks.}

雨天失戀情歌 「雨愛」
融合英式抒情搖滾 絕美憂鬱的 Rainie Love 楊丞琳唱將級情感渲染
網友瘋狂轉貼 偶像劇【海派甜心】片尾曲

A love song about being lovelorn on a rainy day 「Rainie love」
Incorporating British soft rock, exquisitely melancholic [Rainie love], Rainie's singing will touch your heart.
Favorite of online citizens, idol drama 海派甜心's ending song

晴天表白歌曲 「In Your Eyes 」
時尚天王羅志祥海派跨刀合唱 歡喜冤家激發最甜蜜火花

A tune about confessing on a clear day 「In Your Eyes 」
A duet with Show Luo, riding on 海派甜心. The conflicting duo generates the sweetest sparks!
A featured song in 海派甜心 that's popular

多雲曖昧歌曲 「匿名的好友」
不能握的手 卻比愛人還長久 我永遠是你匿名的好友
楊丞琳對過去情誼的真摯告白 偶像劇【海派甜心】插曲

A song about ambiguity 「anonymous good friend」
The hand that cannot be held; yet longer than a lover's; I'm forever your anonymous good friend
Rainie sincerely confesses about a previous friendship; a song featured in 海派甜心

狂風自戀舞曲 「青春鬥」
女孩與青春的戰爭永無止境 愛情是保持美麗的最佳秘方
楊丞琳挑戰重節奏 CRUNK 曠課舞曲 偶像劇【海派甜心】插曲

Crazy & narcissistic dance track 「fighting youth」
Girls and youth's battle is forever ongoing; love is the best way to maintain your beauty
Rainie tries her hand at a CRUNK dance track; a song featured in 海派甜心

向世界宣告「我準備好要愛了」 愛神請你別再調皮!
青春美式搖滾 楊丞琳首見Girl's Rock唱腔

Hot rock tune 「playful love god」
Announcing to the world that 「I'm ready to love」, the love god asks you not to be playful again!
Youthful american rock style; Rainie showcases her first Girl's Rock style singing

困在假象的愛情裡 比曖昧更難挨

Melancholic love song 「折疊式愛情」
Trapped in a fake love is even harder to endure than ambiguity
Rainie sings a folded phenomenon in love

*Note: I'm also not too sure what 疊式愛情現象 aka the folded phenomenon in love means. I decided to leave the title in chinese as i'm not too sure about its meaning. I think its a taiwanese term, so I'm not familiar with it.

單身沒愛情真要命 遇到真命天子全身僵硬真要命
半熟女生還是有可愛的一面 楊丞琳鬼靈精怪獨家聲音演繹俏皮舞曲

Striking dance track 「Wants my life」
Single without love is really awful; Freezing up when meeting my mr. right is really awful
半熟girls still have to have a cute side; Rainie's quirky unique voice delivers this playful dance tune

*Note: 半熟 roughly has the same meaning as "I'm not a girl, not yet a woman". Directly translated, means half ripe/boiled etc. And the title is directly translated. 要我的命 is a slang term that I find difficult to explain to people who do not know chinese slang.

溫柔甜心愛得絕對 宅配愛情分秒不差

Sweet, breezy love song 「absolute darling」
Gentle sweetheart loves absolutely right; matching love does not differ by seconds
Rainie sings the sweetest pure love song

*Note: sorry if the second line makes no sense...I had great difficulty making sense of those 2 sentences as the the words typed together and there's nobody to read the sentences out so I'm unsure where the breaks are so I chose the combination that made the most sense to me.


Lightning rock dance track 「New flu」
Rainie challenges fast & packed lyrics of high difficulty that require her to sing 48 words in one breath
Newest, most popular feeling rock dance tune

給愛情第二次機會 向時間要回遺失的永遠

Calm after the storm love song 「love a second time」
Give love a second chance; ask time to return the forever that's lost
Rainie sings about a reuniting love story

Information and picture are from and yamaguchi sensei's blog
You can listen to the choruses of Rainie's new songs on the site too :D

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